The Best Exercise for Anxiety

woman swimming in lake

The rise in popularity of high intensity interval training has enabled the strength and endurance benefits of exercise to be experienced in short dedicated periods of time, but this may come at a cost. For those with anxiety, such powerful stress on the body may be actually worsening mental health.

High-intensity exercise activates the amygdala and the fight or flight response, because it involves a high level of physical exertion and stress. This results in the release of cortisol and symptoms such as racing heart, sweating, trembling, or hyperventilation, worsening anxiety. When there is an abundance of cortisol in the bloodstream without adequate periods of rest, you can start feeling agitated or fatigued in your everyday life.

Moderate exercise, on the other hand, can calm the amygdala and the fight or flight response, because it involves a lower level of stress. Moderate exercise can also distract you from your worries and negative thoughts, release endorphins and other natural chemicals that improve your mood and reduce stress, lower your levels of cortisol and adrenaline, and improve your self-esteem and confidence, which can help you cope with anxiety. Blood flow is increased and oxygen is delivered to your brain, stimulating the growth of new brain cells and connections and protecting your brain from aging and degeneration.

To receive the boosts from moderate exercise, aim for challenging but still comfortable activities such as walking, cycling, swimming, or dancing, when your heart rate is elevated but not racing.

A study looked at the effects of different types of exercise on stressed out students. One group performed moderate exercise, another high intensity exercise, and a third did not exercise. The group doing moderate exercise became less stressed while the other two groups increased their stress level.

Study on Types of Exercise and Anxiety

Of course, exercise is not a cure-all for anxiety, and different people may respond differently to different types of exercise. The best way to find out what works for you is to experiment with various activities and see how they make you feel.


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